interview // wardrobe

ESMÉE GEERATZ designer of atelier Fumée & creative director

What inspired you to start Fumée?

I've had wonderful women in my life who've lived in their creative power, teaching me to follow my passion by backing it up with a strong work ethic. It brought me to succes in my career of art directing and styling campaigns for global luxury brands - and when the pandemic hit I was ready to manifest my personal creative vision to completion. Going slow and deep, I nourished my soul with ritual and community while I built the dress company I’d been manifesting in my heart and mind for years. I've learned to trust who I am and act in integrity with myself and others. It's been an empowering and challenging spiritual journey. Now I can celebrate the cycle of creation and rest, my love for connection and ritual, and use it as a foundation for my company.

How would you describe the Fumée woman?

I would describe her as feminine, spiritual, playful & sensual. She loves beautifully made things, wether that be clothes, spaces, music or food. The finer things in life make her happy. Because she is very sensitive to her surroundings and all the energies those carry.  She honors & loves her body, blessing it with spiritual rituals like long baths with rose petals by candle light while sipping tea. Nourishing it with fresh foods, movement & lots of rest when she needs it. She trusts who she is.

Where do you find inspiration for your designs? What does your creative process look like?

Cliché but I find inspiration everywhere. It can be the color of a blooming rose I see in someones garden. Or the memory of my mother in a long 90’s dress she kept for over 15 years. I inspired one of my dresses on the one she used to wear when I was growing up.  I get inspired by ancient Italian paintings, old Hollywood movies & even by my little sister who styles her dresses with Allstars and lots of gold jewels. My creative process is not your average. I’ve learned allot about myself and I had to come to terms with that I do not have a constant stream of energy. My man Vincent is a music producer and he can work all day every day every week.

I need moments of rest, I am up and down. I could have no energy to create all day and then at nighttime an idea pops in and I can work the whole night. It’s like a hardbeat, up down up down up down. I used to detest it, saying to myself: ‘What is wrong with me ?’. But now I know, it’s just how I operate. So I take some rest, I go work-out, meditate, I eat some homemade soup and maybe after I feel like creating.

What is your favorite piece of your collection?

Hard one of course because I am a Libra and it troubles me with choices in life but I would say the Venus dress. The handmade details on that dress is just exquisite. It makes me feel so beautiful when I wear it.

This is your first collection, are you already working on a second collection? How much time will there be between every collection?

I call it a collection but I am here to create timeless pieces. Pieces that will still be wanted 20 years from now. I am already working on new pieces to add to the collection and I can’t wait to show everyone these.  As of time I go with my creative process so there is no marked time for that. I go with the flow.

What is the best advice you can give to young entrepreneurs who want to start their own business?

Trust your own vision and your own process. When you act from your integrity you will be successful. I don’t only mean financially, if you manage to stay authentically you while living your life and your career you will find your destiny.  Ask others for help and inform them of what you are doing without having them change your core values and what you want for this company. I am surrounded by great friends & family who have all contributed to Fumée but they could only add to what was already authentically me to begin with. 

There have been a lot of new changes and challenges in the last 12 months. Do you think this time has encouraged the world to be more thoughtful in terms of what they purchase and how they shop, and do you think that will continue going forward?

Yes somewhat. I love that finally we are starting to think more & more about what we buy. But make no mistake: it is still a rare breed of people who think like this. We have a long way to go in making people conscious about fast fashion for example. Humans are such creators of habits. We slide into old ways like pinguïns on ice. But I have allot of faith in this generation of 30 and 20 year olds. We have allot of more knowledge and consciousness than the previous generations. I am exited to see what we will accomplish.

What is your goal you want to achieve with Fumée?

I want to contribute to changing the world of fast fashion. Fumée is a company where love and nourishment is present. We love making our garments with honesty, integrity and kindness to all and specially our sacred mother earth. I hope that more and more companies will follow this example. 

What do you do to switch off and recharge?

I am big on mediation. I meditate twice a day every day. It’s my charger and it works so well for me. Spending time with my man and my family, cooking dinner, joking around, take long walks, talk for hours or watch a movie together is what makes me very happy. 

What advice would you give your younger self?

Don’t create a timeline because life will laugh at your plans. Do anything to find the authentic you, wether that be therapy, sports, meditation, yoga etc. It is worth finding out who you are without the conditioning of your life and others. 

What are you currently listening to / reading / watching?

I love podcasts. My favorite is: the Authentic Sex podcast by Juliette Allen. I love Ausie’s so much. Don’t let the name fool you, yes it’s also about what we do in the bedroom on some episodes but it’s more so about living an authentic wholesome life. I am reading The Power of Intention by Dr Wayne Dyer. It’s a wonderful book about how setting intentions for yourself can create your dream life. I am rewatching all the Desperate Housewives episodes, I just love their life on the Wisteria lane haha! 

What is your favourite holiday destination and this year’s summer plan?

Italy has my heart. The food is one of my favorite foods. I can always eat pasta. And their winessssss oh my! This year I will spend some days in Positano on the Amalfi coast of Italy with my man. It is so romantic. And I always go on a family holiday even now when I am 30 years old but I still enjoy it so much. We spend our summers in the South of France or the Islands of Greece.

What is your favourite restaurant and your favourite food of all time?

I only get to choose one ? Well okay I would have to say Asanebo in L.A. It is a very small sushi restaurant with a Michelin star where you sit at the bar and order the most fresh fish I have ever tasted. 

Shop the collection here.

August 12, 2021